Friday, February 29, 2008

Good Irish Food

guess what food tastes good and is from Ireland; Cinnamin scones. At my skool there's this thing but its only for one grade and that grade is mine. So back to the scones; they don't have a strong flavor its very suttle. Well anyway these were some good scones.


The Jonas Brothers Fan

Gumy bear song (club penguin style)

Club Penguin Glitch!

k so i was on Clubpenguin this morning. when I wanted to go to my igloo but it just gave me a pop-up that said 'Sorry, this room is curently full right now' and i wasn't having an igloo party. so then I went to my friend's igloo, now this is where it got weird. I tried to go to my igloo but the pop-up came up again, but no that's not it all my puffles teleported to her igloo and I wasn't even walking them. Now, anyone who plays ClubPenguin knowa that you have to be walking your puffle to bring them somewhere, and if you stop walking them they go to your igloo. but they were in my friends igloo, i could fed them wal them and every thing now i know that this was her igloo because she was walking one and the other one was walking around. Weird, I think so.

P.S. this is a true story I swear it!