Friday, February 29, 2008

Good Irish Food

guess what food tastes good and is from Ireland; Cinnamin scones. At my skool there's this thing but its only for one grade and that grade is mine. So back to the scones; they don't have a strong flavor its very suttle. Well anyway these were some good scones.


The Jonas Brothers Fan

Gumy bear song (club penguin style)

Club Penguin Glitch!

k so i was on Clubpenguin this morning. when I wanted to go to my igloo but it just gave me a pop-up that said 'Sorry, this room is curently full right now' and i wasn't having an igloo party. so then I went to my friend's igloo, now this is where it got weird. I tried to go to my igloo but the pop-up came up again, but no that's not it all my puffles teleported to her igloo and I wasn't even walking them. Now, anyone who plays ClubPenguin knowa that you have to be walking your puffle to bring them somewhere, and if you stop walking them they go to your igloo. but they were in my friends igloo, i could fed them wal them and every thing now i know that this was her igloo because she was walking one and the other one was walking around. Weird, I think so.

P.S. this is a true story I swear it!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

1st Rct3 Video

This is one of my Favorite Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 videos.

Later this week.

Later this week i will be posting some Roller Coaster Tycoon videos that i made and other people made. If you want any suggestions on some videos to post, please comment the name and where to find it.

"We will only post Youtube videos"

JayKoby's favorite music

eh, I'm JayKoby I like tons of different types of music. I like R&B, rap, hip-hop, pop, comedy, alternate, and rock. I know this is a very wide variety of likings but I have found good song from all these differnt genres.



I gues to under stand it you may need a visual image:

JayKoby BoJanges
o.............. r
n ..............o
a ...............t
s ...............h

Get it. We aren't crazed fans though. we just thought it might be good to put a pun in the title of our blog. plus tons of people like the Jonas Brothers so it make scence that they might like JB.



food is good for you
I like food
do you like food
of course you do
because you eat it every day, food
yummy, yummy, food.


What's our favorite kind of pizza

cool song on Youtube by Davedays

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Search for cool stuff

K so We really don't have many ideas for things to post. so you can help by putting a comment with either the code from youtube or a story. we will put the name of who it was sent by and if its a poem or story we put the word 'By' in front of your name. we will except anything it might take a while to get yours on because we will put several days between each thing you send in. (we like random stuff a lot)


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Do You like waffles?

A Poem by JayKoby

Poems, Poems, oh great poems.
Why don't you show'em,
your fine graceful ways
though it seems like a maze
filled with a haze of smoke.
you can not see if I am broke.
You simply tell
you do not yell
your meaning is for some to tell
and others with another meanings
found within your haze.
Are the true people through your maze.

A Poem by JayKoby

Monday, February 25, 2008

See You Again - Miley Cyrus


Pie is oh so good
many things ryme with pie
and guy

- JayKoby

A Poem By Me

A cake
is like a rake
but it does not rake, things
Things, what amazing things
there are there are:
big things
little things
small things
fat things
short things
and tall things.
I like things.

- JayKoby

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Poet Dreams

I like cake.
I like Chocalate Cake
I like Chocalate cake with 4 candles
I like Chocalate cake with 4 candles and sprinkles
I like Cake

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Story From Ivonna O'Dinkel

One day, i was just on AIM bothering random people. When, some dude started bugging me about how anchovies tasted better on pizza than in salads. So, I had no clue what to do so I went on bugging people and all when the dude starts to threaten me by telling me he's gonna blow up my tropical island. So, I make a toast powered airplane out of toasters.I fly to the safety of Antarctica where I rule as 'King of The Pengins'. Anywho, this guy still thought I was on the island so he blew it up. Apparently the island was owned by Russia who would of thunk it, He got sued by Russia and could not pay the fine so he's in jail right now. Well, now I'm livin' large with the penguins.

Your friend(kinda)- Ivonna O'Dinkel